The MS Brain Health initiative highlights the need to maximize lifelong brain health, with its recommendations to monitor and minimize disease activity.
MS Brain Health recommendations for timely management of multiple sclerosis (MS) have been widely disseminated and have gained global support among healthcare professionals and MS societies. The subsequent consensus standards should encourage MS clinics and centres to work towards specific goals set by international experts.
A survey conducted in autumn 2020 and reports from many local groups illustrate how MS Brain Health is changing the global MS landscape. To showcase the survey, this infographic was developed to share the results and some key highlights from the MS community.
Below you can download the slide presentation detailing the survey results and we also feature some examples of activities led by local groups that have changed the MS landscape in their country or region. How can you and your contacts make a difference? Has a local campaign or initiative already helped to implement any of the MS Brain Health recommendations in your country? If so, we would love to share it with our supporters! Please email us:

MS Brain Health global impact case studies

MS Brain Health global impact slides

Clinical and patient impact – Serbia

UK quit smoking impact

Australian election campaign impact

Advocacy and policy impact – Serbia

Local MS Brain Health group – Australia

Healthy living with MS – Spain

DMT access and funding – New Zealand

Advocacy and policy impact – Serbia